Friday, September 10, 2010

Updates to PITCHING section of rules - Updated September 13, 2010

2. If a batted ball hits a pitcher, the ball is dead, and the runners return to the last base legally possessed at the time of the pitch. When the pitcher is hit by a batted ball, the ball is dead and counts as one of the batter’s pitches unless it is the third (male) or fifth (female) pitch as the batter can’t strike out on a batted ball that hits the pitcher (Updated Sept. 10/10).

9. Any ball that comes to a stop within the dead ball zone is a dead ball and counts as a pitch (Updated Sept. 13/10)
· If a fielder grabs a grounder before it comes to a stop within the dead ball zone, the ball is considered live and the fielder can attempt to record an out.
· If a fielder drops a pop up within the dead ball zone (in fair territory), it is a live ball and the batter and the runners on base can attempt to reach the next available base safely.

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