Wednesday, May 26, 2010

To Spike in or not to spike in...that is the question

Summary of feedback from team captains re: issue of spiking in bases

5 of the teams in the league support having bases spiked in at all times.
The 8 teams support either the home team deciding whether to spike or not or had no specific preference.
2 teams said that bases should never be spiked in.

As such, I would advise that the home team (responsible for placing the bases down) has the choice to spike in or not spike in the bases.
If the captain of the visiting team has a concern with the spiking in or not spiking of the bases, the two captains should review the issue before the start of the game.
The home team has the final say re: spiking in bases if the two captains can't come to a mutually agreed upon decision.

Note: If a home team does not have bases with spikes (as many teams in the league do) and the visiting team has a set of bases with them that has spikes and they want their bases to be used in that game, the home team can agree to use the visiting team's set of bases for the game.

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