Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Rules update/clarification - August 25, 2010: Runner/fielder interference interpretation

The runner has to get out of the way of the defensive player.

Any contact or interference by the runner is immediately called dead ball and the runner is out, all runners are returned to the base previously held at the time of the pitch unless forced by the batter being awarded first.

If the umpire rules the interference was intentional, they should also call the batter out.

Rules update/clarification - August 25, 2010: Pitched balls are dead once they hit the ground

Pitched balls that hit the ground or on home plate can't be hit after bouncing on the ground.

In fastball you can hit a ball that makes contact with the ground first,not slo-pitch. In slo-pitch the ball is dead the second it contacts the ground ,mat etc.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

August 25, 2010 Schedule if the season ended (8.5.10)

August 25, 2010 6:30pm First Pitch (Field Locations TBA, Visiting team from first match up between the teams is the Home Team for the rematch)

Code Blue (#2) at Generals (#1)
x86ers (#3) at Tomahawks (#4)
Honey Nut Ichiros (#6) at eForce Fusion (#5)
Directors (#8)* at The Foundations (#7)

FIDO (#9) at Build Breakers (#10)
Hard Hitters (#11) at Trojans (#12)
The Wrath (#13) at Shooters (#14)**
Silly Bats (#15) at RISC Takers (#16)

* Directors hold tie breaker over FIDO as of 8.5.10 due to their 10-9 win
** Shooters hold tie breaker over Silly Bats as of 8.5.10 due their 15-4 win